Harissa kryddor i Burk
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Harissa kryddor i Burk
Harissa Spices TIN
Harissa spices are an intensely powerful North African blend of red chillies, coriander seeds, cumin, caraway, sea salt and mint leaves.
Our Harissa Spices can be used to make a paste. Simply incorporate the spices with a few cloves of garlic and olive oil. Then, smother over chicken, fish, vegetables and halloumi before grilling, roasting or frying.
Buy Harissa Spices in our attractive Spice Tin. It closes airtight and is recyclable. You can even refill it with our Harissa spice pouch!
Ingredienser: Röd chili, koriander frön, spiskummin frön vita, spiskummin frö, Havssalt, Myntablad